A Message from Hour New Executive Director, Dr. Alethea Taylor
It is an honor for me to formally start my journey with Hour Children today and carry on Sister Tesa Fitzgerald’s legacy of “love makes the difference”. I am humbled to be leading and serving the staff and clients of Hour Children.
My journey, with all its twists and turns, could have been different had I not had choices. When I came to challenging crossroads, I had family, acquaintances and opportunities to support me making choices that would guide me toward a hope-filled future. This path helped me learn to center the voices of women who are incarcerated and/or formerly incarcerated.
In so doing, I found my purpose: to bring choice and voice to women who, if they had the opportunities and support, may have made different choices. Women who now need their voices heard and who want to – and will – make meaningful choices if given the opportunity.
Hour Children, because of the foresight of their founder Sister Tesa, has been providing the support and opportunities to women and their children for over 35 years. Sister Tesa’s mantras of Love Makes the Difference and Change Takes Time, give them the strength and skill to use their voices to build a better life for themselves, their families and their communities.
I feel privileged to bring my voice to this mission and look forward to building on this vision with all of you – Hour staff, Hour women and children, Hour board, Hour volunteers, Hour funders and Hour donors. I want you to know that each of you are vitally important to this journey. I welcome your embrace that lets Hour women and Hour children know when they walk with us, they will have the opportunity to make new choices, develop their own voice and build a future filled with hope and possibilities.
– Dr. Alethea Taylor
Dwight Talyor
February 3, 2022 9:45 pmI am proud of my sister Dr Alethea Taylor. She’s a great inspiration and and trailblazer to many, who facing difficult crisis in their life. I am proud of her and her new found position. She’ll be an asset for your company. Also, someone who wiil encourage the children to believe in themselves that nothing is impossible. You have to take the first step and make an effort to create something of your own. Dr. Taylor deserves every opportunities and accomplishments that God hand down to her, because she works hard for all her success and career. I am her biggest fan and supporter.