Welcome to the Table: Taconic Correctional Facility
When I have a visit with my kids, I forget the pain of prison for a little while. I just get to be a mom.
For over 20 years, Hour Children has been present at Taconic Correctional Facility, New York State’s medium security prison in Westchester County – helping mothers and children to remain lovingly engaged with one another during the painful time apart that accompanies incarceration.
Free, round-trip transportation for children has been at the heart of our work from the start, and makes face-to-face visits with their mothers a reality year round.
Upon arriving at the facility, they receive an activity bag filled with games, books, toys and craft supplies. With so much to do – reading, talking, hugging, playing, and creating art – time goes fast and lasting memories are created!
Birthdays are always times for celebration at Taconic because of our Birthday Nook program, when visiting children receive a cake and a gift selected with love by their mother.
During those times when families cannot be together, Card Shoppe gives mothers the opportunity to create a beautiful card for their children. Hand-crafted treasures, they are mailed to children along with an added treat?a brand new, age-appropriate book to enjoy!
Hour Children’s programs for mothers include Telephone Advocacy and Parenting Education. Advocacy makes it possible for them to engage by phone with teachers, counselors, and caregivers, and remain active in the lives of their children.
Our education programs provide a forum for mothers to gather in a supportive environment to share ideas on a range of topics, such as: Responsible Parenting; Parenting from a Distance; and Parenting through Letters.
With your generous support, Hour Children’s programs at Taconic Correctional Facility have helped thousands of mothers and children to stay connected, heal and thrive.
This year, your continued investment in Hour mission will ensure that life-changing programs and services continue to meet the needs of all our mothers and children.
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