Letter from Sister Tesa
“There is a time for everything and for every purpose under heaven”This familiar passage from Ecclesiastes has been holding my heart and soul as I made the decision to seek a successor to lead Hour Children echoing in a promising future. It is time.
“A time to be born and a time to die”
Thirty-five years ago, the dream was born to provide a loving home where children whose mothers were incarcerated could flourish and live the life they deserved. My Mother’s House was opened in Long Island City and continues to flourish as a beacon of hope and stability. Your goodness has nurtured that birth.
“A time to plant and a time to uproot”
Over the next three decades the services of Hour Children grew to include six communal homes, 3 apartment houses, and 2 housing partnerships – all welcoming respites where mothers and children could reunite and thrive together. Service programs expanded to meet the needs of Hour families and Hour community. You can be proud that your generosity and support have brought these signs of hope to fruition.
“A time to weep and a time to laugh”
The past decades have been blessed with an abundance of joyous events and celebrations, most notably Christmas parties, trips to Rye Playland, backyard barbecues, and birthday parties galore!
The words “dedicated”, “committed” and “caring” capture the depth and quality of the Hour Children Board, staff, and volunteers over the years to the present. Their work is more a calling, than a job. I delight in recalling the memorable holiday gatherings, potluck lunches and casual meetings at the coffee pot. Always with the mission of Hour Children at the forefront of our conversations and decisions! Our relationships have been an inspiration and motivation to many who have come to know us. So much lived goodness will be treasured by me forever.
“A time to embrace and a time to refrain”
The mothers and children with whom I have been blessed to share life with for 35 years have helped shape the vision and fire that permeate my soul. Their resilience, depth of character, were among my greatest teachers. I have seen their humility when they faced failure and their courage as they begin again. Humbly, I stand in awe and admiration (and, of course deep gratitude). “A time to assess and a time to build” Hour Children’s growth is a tribute to the generosity and goodness of the human spirit. Benefactors who believed in Hour mission and faithfully contributed, philanthropic foundations who walked with us guiding our growth and focus, as well as dedicated staff who day in day out challenged and supported our women and children, have all played a vital role in building Hour Children’s stellar reputation for service and integrity.
“A time to be silent and a time to speak”
Hour Children’s values and mission have always been a voice for justice on behalf of our women and their families. Hour lived experience and Hour public witness stand in testimony to the endurance of the values we uphold. May Hour actions become bolder, louder, and more equitable in a world broken by division and injustice.
“A time to search and a time to give over”
The quest begins for a spirited, passion-filled person to lead Hour Children with conviction, vision, and love. With God’s providence and your support, a strong leader will be called forth to faithfully lead Hour Children in its growth and continued service to Hour families in need.
“A time to love and a time to let go”
Gratitude…gratitude…and more gratitude! Over these decades I trust you have noticed that I truly loved what I was called to do. Each day brought a zest and joy for life – what greater gift can one be given!
Walking faithfully and lovingly with unfailing support has been my Fitzgerald/Gallagher family – the heart of my life – my CSJ religious community, and many extraordinary friends, to complete the circle of plentitude that is my life.
God has blessed me abundantly and with a full heart, I will forever echo “Thank You” for being a part of my wondrous, meaningful journey.
And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, To love mercy, and To walk humbly with your God. – Micah 6:8
Love and Grace beyond measure,
Sister Tesa Fitzgerald, CSJ
Executive Director
Charlie Karl
April 9, 2021 1:35 pmWith misty eyes I read the story of the development of these services and how meaningful they are in the lives of so many. As someone who worked as a school social worker I know how important these supports are to children and families. Thank you for the care and TLC. It’s a prayer put to action.
Franciscsj18@ gmail.com
April 9, 2021 1:51 pmTesa,Test, you for being you and sharing your many gifts with all of us.
Your joy ful loving presence is .If giving!
Francis Mary
Stephen Cavallo
April 9, 2021 2:35 pmThank you for making a difference in the lives of so many individuals that hav e passed through the Hour Children community.
Your good work and the good work of the other Sisters will be acknowledged by future generations of Hour Children
through their good works and deeds.
It was such an honor to have been able to been able to serve 14 years on the board of Hour Children.
Pam and I would love the opportunity of sharing dinner with you before your departure.
Our love and appreciation go to you for all your efforts on our behalf.
Stephen and Pam
Kevin Conklin
April 9, 2021 6:01 pmDear Sister Theresa, You and I are a long way from Frost Lane.
John Burke
April 9, 2021 6:29 pmWhat a truly beautiful, heart-felt and totally gracious/humble testimony!!!! May our God continue to bless Hour Children and yourself……
Be Blessed on the next segment of your journey!
John Burke. ( Sr. Karen Burke’s brother)
Mary Doyle
April 9, 2021 6:52 pmThank you Tesa. ?
April 9, 2021 7:53 pmThank you for bringing us into the future. Encouraging the first child and continuing our mantra “go out and help the ones who most need us” reminds us of our beginning wit the Acts of the Apostles. You even took time to send the Mass of our party’s Requiem. Praying for all of you with the beautiful booklet for the Chapter.
Pat & Mike Scimeca
April 9, 2021 10:24 pmWe have followed the progress Hour Children has made over the years. With your amazing guidance it has flourished in to this amazing place. We met many years ago and you inspired us to follow you over the years. We send you our good wishes for a well deserved retirement.
Patricia Scimeca
April 11, 2021 10:40 amThank you Sister Tesa
Frances Cappillo
April 17, 2021 3:08 pmTesa, you are a beacon of light and a true pioneer making dreams come true for so many. May the Lord continue to bless you and all who are part of Hour Children. As you begin a new journey, know you have made an incredible difference in countless lives.
God bless you!
Much Love and prayers,
Latisha Morris
April 20, 2021 12:56 pmOh I’m in tears this morning. Sister Tesa words will never be enough to thank you for your many years of true love and passion. I don’t believe there is another like you. So many women will miss a once in a lifetime opportunity to experience your love. Your legacy will continue on… if the successor is JUST LIKE YOU! (impossible lol). Thank you a million times over for your strength, support, compassion, understanding, overall, your love and faithfulness to continue God’s work. I love you ??