Words from Hour Community
In response to the murder of George Floyd and the recent Black Lives Matter protests, the women of Hour Children have a message. Racial violence is a crime against humanity and these recent events must compel us to be instruments of change. Erica Olivencia, Makeda Davis, and Joane Delinois share with us some powerful, critical, and personal poems and raps for our viewing.
How the beauty of earth is tainted…
What’s natural and lovely turns fake and abused…
Nature is hated and humans created to fall short on expectations denied reparations and suffer the pain
Of physical humiliation… and sometimes death…
Me I love dogs but when treating animals better than our fellow human do we hate ourselves?
Are we ashamed … fearing what we don’t understand… the measure of a man is in his character not his
looks… when denial is a way of life they would lie in text books… when schools do not even properly
educate the real that is our history… and I’m afraid to walk the streets cause police now my family
missing me… do you feel the struggle or the measure of our pain? Cause my children are black what on
earth do you lack that your hatred runs so deep…
Can you retrain your mind of the racism that was taught… can you try to fathom the years that were
fought… that the heart of a person is as beautiful as a jewel… and to love with your soul is how kings and
queens rule… for love for one another is to love ourselves…. Then we love our earth which creates
massive wealth… it’s the love that shines and that feeds our existence… can we put this hate in
remission… can we stop passing the buck… can we end what we know is intentional and what you call
bad luck… can we think of our future think of our kids… the next generation shouldn’t live like we did.
By Makeda Davis ©
I bet you can’t breathe now too
By joane Delinois ©
I can’t breathe
In this climate of HATE
I suffocate
Under the WEIGHT of WAIT
8-9 minutes
Tic Toc through
phones- human androids’
Wireless disconnection
No Wi-Fi
Desensitized to a human being’s plea
Calling for his mom
and Family
Calling for Good Samaritans
Not indignant neighbors
spectators with cameras in their hands
In Broad daylight
For the whole world to see
Yet the Cataract of ignorance
conditioned the lens of our eyes to become progressively hazy
political climate forecasted travesty
a cloudy and overcast day of apathy
The irrigation of incendiary and hateful slurs
Like “Looting and shooting”
the evaporation of decency
A day that paints the color of the mental state
Of the United States
We see what Trumps human life
Let’s break it down
Cut the tension with a knife
All lives cannot matter
If the matter
is the repetition
That yet again
we are here
Talking about
black lives matter
That’s Contradiction
I’m no mathematician
But in Math
If the sum of All minus one
That does not include all
That’s subtraction
Not addition
So Is that really inclusion?
Let’s talk Economics
A state of monopoly
A supply and demand
That everyone becomes a commodity
1% Property
On a new Black Wall Street
Competition fuels the beast
Cause everyone has to eat
A piece of pie
settle for just a slice
Not Aunt Jemima’s
Patti LaBelle’s
Not even the whole pastry
Or from their own bakery
Everything has a price tag
To A new Hashtag
In the market
Smart phones
For dummies
Big Brother
To Alexa
Here’s a chip
Do trick
Here’s a list
watch me
Value takes on the color Green
The Botox of Instant gratification
Temporarily paralyzing us in a picture perfect
Moment of lascivity
No cosmetic surgery or Makeover for souls
so they becomes empty vaults
and file Bankruptcy
Maxed out credit cards cause
you can’t purchase
Mental quarantine
Serial killings of identity
No personality
Hate is not innate
A social construct
That is taught
But we imitate
the socio-path’s
Behavioral study
On Nature vs Nurture
how human beings react to their environment
Which alters their temperament
Generational division
It is transparent
that you are indifferent
To be socially distant
To be color blind
Your Art
blurred vision
No Reflection
Blurred lines
Of Black and blue .
Whipping the skin off the body of equality
caused by blow of the baton called police brutality
rupturing underlying blood vessel of humanity
Since we are so focused on color
But not how to connect to one another
RED was the color of George Floyd’s blood that soaked the Opaque concrete rug, the heart of man, with buried lies and dirty secrets
With viens deep rooted in slavery
Someone needs to teach this lesson
I guess it’s my profession
Although not teacher
No politician
No poll- of- tricks
I’m not here to fool you
You’re only First class
to the Past
Let’s start with history
A history of Hypocrisy
Excuse me
Noble savages deemed it their human right to civilize “savages”
So Let’s take a look
What’s not recorded on one side of his-story books
The hangings, killings, rapes, lynchings, burning,
robbing people and ravaging their land
bombings of churches with innocent children, man and women
The color White
Is only for blank space
You can only erase
You never had the ability to create
Who taught you to hate
Let’s add Geography
you needed to go travel across oceans to continents
To gather “immigrants”
Discovery is
The man’s pursuit of happiness purchased by immigrants misery.
On whose back, blood, sweat and tears
On free labor, you built this land
Yet they still have to fight to become Citizens
Do we really want talk about Native-Americans
Your Thanksgiving
and Valentine’s
Massacred all your “holi-days”
you cowards take the credit
Claim the benefits of White privilege
Yet denying the welfare card of your lineage
say like Christopher Columbus, it was your idea yeah,
We got it
“you discovered it”
Let’s talk Politics
Brown vs. board of education
A landmark decision
that served
A death sentence to your lawlessness
Execution by electrocution
the fabric of your constitution
Civil is right
So Jim crowed on your laws
While sitting on “old sparky” sofa
So new agenda
Mass incarceration
To criminalize
The black character
Without truth or DNA
We did not owe the crime
Yet we still have to pay
Blacks commit the most crime
That’s what Politicians say
Let’s check the statistic
Not a survey
we want the truth
not fiction
Facts of fools
biased opinions
It appears
Not tried by peers
The verdict is guilty
And the real perpetrators
Are acquitted
Let’s talk Sports
This is why Colin Kaepernick took a knee
Because he is on a mission to raise public awareness about the dangers of social concussion, brain injury,
A neurological deterioration that is similar to Alzheimer’s disease
Athletes modern Gladiators
Being paid to bleed
By audiences in the Roman Republic courts excuse me colosseum
for Sport and entertainment
Artifacts in a hall of fame museum
Some in violent matches with each other volunteeringly risking their lives and their social standing by appearing on the courts
Let’s talk Biology
Sorry there is no Chemistry
To our Sexuality
Trying to dissect
unravel secrets of our anatomy
scientists discovered we share 99%of the same DNA
Yet you say we can’t relate
So we become Primates
We became monkeys
To Justify your hate
In Darwin evolution of man
What are you?
You must our cousin
Hi baboons
What’s the Reason for our
Must be the melanin
Or Cuisine
was it the fried chicken, baked Mac and cheese,chitlins, corn bread, Kool- Aid, beans and collard greens,
But there is no Southern charm in our recipe
Must be Watermelon
Ask Mr. Softee
Whose jingle bells softly
That We love watermelon
while he serve his sugar coating message of hate to children in every direction
Let’s end it
With the Bible and the rifle
Picking and choosing which bible verse to read
Your venom, a religious doctrine of hate, is more life- threatening than any disease
Breed of vipers
you are the Pharisees
Better pray your revelation does not happen before you reach your final destination
Let that be your lesson before your expiration
You are not President Obama
But You have the Audacity to Hope that the holocaust, genocides, and terrorists acts of other nations remain the topic in school curriculums
While your crimes has yet to taught in any subject or erased from our social systems
Terrorists yet you call yourselves Patriots
You vigorously support a country and prepared to defend it against enemies when it was never yours to begin with.
But does equality
And Justice
Is not just
I see
Hate is your plague that you released
There is no cure for it
Some say it’s hopeless
We better off focusing on the Covid virus
Tear gas I cry
Face sanitized with pepper spray
Pressure on my neck
That will not ease with stimulus check
check the balance that is owed and still not paid false promises of 40 acres of land and a mule
A debt that our ancestors never claimed
Where was the IRS
You still don’t get it yet
Still confused about why we protest
Your sin of denial
runs deep and long in the Nile
Where you slaughtered babies thinking you can stop the prophecy
Violence begets violence
The Legacy of Liberty
Your freedom does not welcome
Frederick Douglas questioned this
“What is the 4th of July to me ?
your boasted liberty, an unholy license;
your national greatness, swelling vanity
your sounds of rejoicing are empty
and your shouts of liberty and equality,
hollow mockery
your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade
and solemnity
are mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up crimes that would disgrace a nation of savages”.
Dr Martin Luther King speech already penetrated our dreams
You could not assassinate
Maya Angelou took it to the sky
We see her poem still rise with it
By any means took to the streets
Muhammad Ali boxed with it
Nelson Mandela
Was you fear That we were never inadequate
So the courage of Barack Obama was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
He had the audacity to hope
And Became 44th president
Jane Elliot teach with it
pastor John Gray and Steven Furtick began a new sermon and they preach with it
Celebrities and famous figures tweet and post with it
The rest
I guess
are with the government so they are
MIA with it
Keedron Bryant Remix I just want to live with it
George Floyd could not breathe and bled on our streets with it
His family cried out their anguish with it
So our activists and
Tamika Mallory took it
gave a speech and brought about social change with it
The world came together
And millions marched to breathe for it
Made history with it
Our legacy
Is Biblical
Not your myth of lies
Fashion-designed Feel good vibes
Modern day sorcery
You truth is Pharmaceutical
After you did all you can
we still stand
So does our ancestry
We will never give into your darkness
Or despair or your brutality
The God we trust and His light in us
will never allow our defeat
Or for us to deny our identity
You say it’s unclear and vague
You need to see more footage
No more excuses
because honestly
Like your records of excellence
we passed it
can your really stomach it
So I’ve made you’re uncomfortable
But DO NOT mistake
My sacred space
Is not to make a case
against one Race
I want to deface
The Underlying
Of Hypocrites
There IS disgrace
Racists in every RACE
people who deny that they are a human race
Social beings
Who deny the very essence and nature of their being
For immortality
In a Bugatti race to Fall from Grace
I don’t want your guilt
Keep your confessions
I’m not a priest
400 years of sinful admissions
too heavy for even Atlas to carry
So we lift them to Heaven
Because only God has the ability
to change the the inner most part
Of a man’s heart
I don’t want your common sense
for there’s no sense in this common offense
I don’t want your shame
I want your repentance
Just the remembrance
of the names
Emmett Till
Rodney King
Amadou Diallo
Renisha McBride
Aiyana Jones
Eric Garner
Breonna Taylor
Treyvon Martin
Sean bell
Corey Jones
Michael brown
Ahmaud Arbery
Oscar grant
Tamir Rice
Jordan Davis
Philando Castile
Samuel Dubos
Sandra Bland
Walter Scott
Botham Jean
Michael Brown
Dominique Clayton
Alton Sterling
John Crawford
Stephon Clark
Atatiana Jefferson
Terrence Crutcher
Freddie Gray
Do I really need to say more
For what else is there to say
There is more than enough evidence
But I want your soul to convict you
For this I pray
Does your hate suffocate you
I bet you can’t breathe now too!
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