A Message of Solidarity from Hour Children
We join with the tens of thousands of people throughout this city, this country, and the world who are marching, protesting, and demanding justice for the police murder of George Floyd and a much broader reckoning for the systemic, deadly racism that puts Black people at risk from law enforcement, fuels the epidemic of mass incarceration, and has led to Black and Latinx people disproportionately dying and suffering the economic impact from the Coronavirus pandemic. Our hearts go out in grief and anger to George Floyd’s family, with a promise that we will heed their call for justice and accountability. Their loss reverberates with the families of Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Amadou Diallo, Tamir Rice and too many others. We know, from our own community, that each one of these killings and racist attacks cuts to the core of every parent who must fear for the lives of their Black and brown children. Hour participants and staff of color are also hurting in this moment.
Hour Children works with women and families impacted by incarceration. We work with incarcerated women struggling to sustain family bonds, and we provide housing and support for women emerging from jail and prison. As such, we believe in second chances. But we know that second chances are predicated on people taking responsibility for harm and committing to change. How can we ask this of the women of our community and not demand it from ourselves and every institution of power? We demand justice for George Floyd. Beyond that, we call for a change in priorities. Fund schools and daycare and hospitals, instead of militarized police, jails and prisons. Decarcerate. Invest in the potential of communities and restorative justice.
We urge the Mayor to protect the rights of peaceful protesters. And we urge him to restore his proposed cuts to needed community resources, such as summer jobs for youth and other programs that actually promote public safety far more effectively than increasing the police budget.
Black Lives Matter!
In Solidarity,
Sister Tesa and All in the Hour Children Community
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