A message from Hour Children regarding COVID-19
To Hour Friends and Supporters,
I hope each of you and your families are healthy and coping with the difficult social distancing and self-isolation measures we must all take for the sake of our communities, our cities, and our world. The rapid spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) has had an immense impact on the Hour Children community, but I know that—together—we will come through these challenges even stronger. This is a moment when our families need us—and you—more than ever.
A closed office does not mean closed programs!
We are determined that the current crisis will not impact our ability to provide the housing, mental health support, education and employment training necessary to enable our families to build healthy, independent and secure lives. Hour Children’s office is closed, and many of our in-person programs have had to pause operations or go remote until further notice.
The notable exception is Hour Community Food Pantry, which provides essential support to Hour Children’s families and the residents of western Queens. In order to comply with all safety precautions, we have had to shift from our preferred “client choice” model to “grab & go,” and the Pantry team packed and distributed approximately 350 bags last week. We are grateful to all who have contributed to this effort—donors, elected officials, local restaurants, volunteers, and our amazing Pantry staff.
Hour Children’s mental health services team has continued to support our women and families through the stress and uncertainty caused by this crisis. Regular sessions are occurring through teletherapy, and even group sessions are happening via Zoom, allowing women across our houses share experiences and support each other. Hour Teen Scene participants are participating in online coding classes with STEM Kids NYC, staying active and engaged in the wider world. Volunteers have offered Hour Working Women Program online workshops and support, and we are working to enhance our ability to provide robust remote programming.
Our staff at the Bedford Hills and Taconic Correctional Facilities have not been able to go inside the facilities, but they are working to provide as much support as possible to the women incarcerated there via telephone. A couple of mothers on the nursery unit are looking forward to quickly-approaching release dates, and we are preparing to welcome them and their babies to Hour Children’s homes in Long Island City.
Foremost on all of our minds are the women and children we serve. Many have felt the economic impact of coronavirus, and your contributions help us to provide supplies and cash assistance to defray their families’ daily expenses, including rent, food, toiletries, sanitary items, diapers and wipes, clothing, and other bills. As we work during these challenging times to fulfill our mission of service to vulnerable women and children, we thank you for your continued support. We could not do any of this without you.
Please give today so we can continue to provide life-changing and life-saving services.

Mike O’Sullivan
June 4, 2020 4:35 pmWe have women and children’s clothes that are in excellent condition to donate. Can I drop them off at Bedford Hills or your Taconic location?
November 13, 2020 12:00 pmIf nobody has contacted you – I found the following in the “Thrift Shop” area:
he Hour Children Shops Warehouse is now open to the public Monday through Saturday, 10am to 3pm at 36-30 13th Street, Long Island City. We will be begin scheduling pickups the week of October 19th and will resume pickups the first week of November. We are currently accepting clothing and housewares donations to Fancy Thrift. For free donation pickup, please contact Fran McMurry Monday through Friday 9am-5pm at fmcmurry@hourchildren.org or call 347-632-8293 ext. 320.
Peg Hickey
June 27, 2020 8:38 pmHello Sister Tesa.
I have a working refrigerator to donate. Could you use one?