Hour Children


The hour of her arrest,
The hour of their visit,
The hour of their reunification.

Hour Children Summer Program & Host Family Opportunities

Our summer program provides a cherished opportunity for incarcerated moms and their children to spend 6 consecutive days together. Maintaining the family bond is a crucial part of a mother’s rehabilitation and their children’s well-being.

This program, the mothers and children, depend on the generosity of our friends in the community to open their homes so children can stay in a welcoming and safe home nearby to visit their moms during the day. Learn more about volunteering as a host family and other volunteer opportunities with Hour Children.


If you are interested in hosting, please reach out to visitationprogram@hourchildren.org for more information.

Please be advised that Hour Children has updated its policies regarding host families. Effective immediately, we will be conducting background checks on all current and new host families participating in our Hosting Program. This change is to ensure the safety and well-being of our participants and uphold the standards of our organization. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your attention to this important update.

Who We Are: Hour Story

Hour Children is a leading provider of services to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women in New York State. Focused on women and their children, we support families during a mother’s incarceration and help families get back on their feet upon release. We do this by providing housing, childcare, job training, and mental health services.

Women who receive support from Hour Children’s programs are 5 times less likely to return to prison.
We support women through:

Prison-Based Family Services

Hour Thrift Shops

Providing a valuable resource for the community, these busy shops provide employment and training for Hour Children program participants and revenue to support our programs.

Hour Children is hiring! Check out our opportunities here.


% of the women in our programs who have kept their freedom


% of the children in our programs who finished the school year and advanced to the next grade


% of the women in our progams who successfully reintegrated with their families


% of the women in our programs who have kept their freedom


% of the children in our programs who finished the school year and advanced to the next grade


% of the women in our progams who successfully reintegrated with their families

There are more than 4,000 women incarcerated in New York State prisons and local jails.
The vast majority will come home.

This means that every year, more than 1,000 women returning to New York City need with assistance housing, employment and education opportunities.

With most reentry programs focused on men, Hour Children provides valuable
services to women and their children, helping them to reunite and establish stable lives and a future filled with hope.

Hour Children’s Impact in 2022

Your Partnership with Us Makes a Difference

Intro: Hour Children Is Home

Programs Begin in the Prisons

A Place to Call Home

Hour Childcare Programs

Latest News from Hour Children

Hour Children welcomes the support of individual or group volunteers across all areas of the organization. Join us today!

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Make a difference with every dollar you give

$25 provides a visitor to Hour Children with food for 7 meals
$50 provides money for children’s lunches on visiting trips
$100 helps pay for hotel expenses when families bring children from afar to visit their incarcerated mothers
$250 helps buy supplies for our child care programs
$500 helps fund the transportation program for children visiting their incarcerated mothers
$1000 provides a woman from Hour Working Women and a child in School Fun with a laptop